Dayco’s Propulsion Solutions unique fully integrated hydrogen fuel cell system is an efficient zero-emission high-range solution offering reliable vehicle performance and optimal energy management for a wide range of material handling, industrial, stationary, commercial vehicles, and other mobile applications.
Fully Integrated Fuel Cell System
Light & Heavy Duty, On & Off Highway
Low Carbon, Clean and Sustainable Future
Efficient, Robust, Reliable
Application Specific Packaging and scalability
Dayco Propulsion Solutions is delivering world class Hydrogen Fuel cell System Integration
Battery Pack
This high-voltage battery stores energy and provides supplemental power to the electric motor.
Vehicle Controller / PCM Body
The Fuel Cell System, and battery is supported by the embedded Vehicle Control Unit and smart software for the control logic.
E-Motor and Inverter
The e-motor drives the vehicle’s wheels by using power from the battery pack. Inverter serves as an energy buffer giving the fuel cell time to catch up with load demand.
Control Unit
Vehicle level communication to manage safety systems, thermal control, operator energy demand, and battery state of charge.
AC-DC Convertor / Invertor
Provides AC/DC conversion for wall charging or power output based on application specific needs.
DC-DC Convertor
Provides proper voltage conversion between power systems (Fuel Cell, Battery, Drive Units, auxiliary consumers).
Thermal Management
Provides temperature control of fuel cell stack to provide optimal efficiency and durability goals. Also provides thermal management to battery and power electronics as necessary.
Tank Regulator
Provides safe fuel storage and delivery to Fuel Cell Stack.
Air Filter
Harmful Vapor Filtration in addition to Particulate Filtration.